Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Parkson sued for not paying rental at Bangi mall

PETALING JAYA: Parkson Holdings Bhd’s unit Parkson Corporation Sdn Bhd (PCSB) is being sued by developer PKNS-Andaman Development Sdn Bhd (PKNS) for allegedly failing to pay rental within the demised premises of EVO Shopping Mall in Bangi.

PCSB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Parkson Retail Asia Limited, a 67.96%-owned subsidiary of Parkson.

PCSB was served with a writ and statement of claim by PKNS, which is claming for, among others, reliefs totaling over RM5.5 million.

This includes payment by PCSB of RM3.65 million to PKNS, being the accrued monthly rental from April 2, 2018 to Dec 2, 2019, and thereafter at the rate of RM182,958 per month until the return of the demised premises to PKNS.

Alternatively, PKNS is claming for payment by PCSB of RM3.84 million being accrued monthly rental from Feb 27, 2018 to Nov 27, 2019, and thereafter at the rate of RM182,958 per month until the return of the demised premises to PKNS.

It is also claiming for payment by PCSB of RM1.86 million to PKNS, being the renovation cost contributed by PKNS towards the demised premises; as well as interests of 5% per annum.

PKNS is demanding PCSB to return the vacant possession of the demised premises to PKNS within 14 days from the date of judgement.

In a statement, Parkson executive chairman Tan Sri William Cheng Heng Jem explained that PCSB took the position that no rental is payable as PKNS has failed to satisfy the conditions in the tenancy agreement for rental commencement to be triggered and PKNS’s act of issuing commencement notice pursuant to the tenancy agreement backdating the commencement date of rental without satisfying the conditions precedent is unlawful.

“PCSB took the position that it has a good defence and has instructed its solicitors to vigorously defend against the suit,“ Cheng said.


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